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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30th

Today was our first day without a CSA share delivery in 52 weeks. It was odd.
The day was full of meetings for me and farm production for Josh. I was in Truro at the Agricultural Land Reviews Committees final consultation meeting. We will now begin to write our report.

Josh was here on the farm treating the greenhouse for the aphid issues we've been having, keeping the fires going and ensuring that transplants of greens that were cut for fresh greens last week made it into the ground in one of the tunnels. They will continue to grow outside and we'll harvest again in a few weeks. He is also checking in on the Swallows Nest. The floors are being done this week. And he is getting things planted at the farm in Canard. Full days now!

Final registrations are trickling in. This is wonderful. Thank you!

Get ready for lots of wonderful spinach in the weeks ahead. You may wish to prepare for freezing it a bit at a time for next winter since we have lots planted!!

I will have a posting up soon and an email sent out on details for next week. Yippy, first week of year two coming right up!


  1. It was odd not to pick up our veggies today....

    Looking forward to year 2!


  2. We missed our veggie pick up this week too. Looking forward to next week, and the upcoming year.
