We used the recipe from the Simply in Season cookbook - I've used it before and liked it. Everything seemed to go very smoothly. I learned a bunch - timing and how to be organized etc. It takes 5 hours to do the whole thing but the woman were here for 4 hours. They went home with out the salsa because it was going to take an additional hour to process all the jars. Next time I might try to have a few canners on the go instead of just one. We did three cases of salsa in total. I will deliver a case to each participant on Tuesday - everyone came in from the city.
the rest of the veggies from the garden.
The next canning day is set for Sept. 19th - if you are interested please let me know. We can decide closer to the date what we wish to can. Could be salsa, could be pickles, could be pasta sauce or it could be apple sauce. There are loads of options. We also talked about the price. The people who participated this time felt that between $25 and $30 was reasonable. We provided the jars, the produce, the space, the time and the lunch - the lunch was simple - sliced cheese, tomatoes, almonds, bread, etc.
Thanks for coming - it was fun!