I try hard to not complain about the weather. I am usually happy with a bit of this and a bit of that. Even in winter I enjoy the days of endless snow storms. However - now that the soil is saturated with water, and now that it is causing us to lose crops and making it impossible to weed - now I am concerned. Below is what it should look like. This was taken this morning. It is right beside the picture below it that has been wet for weeks and we have not been able to access it. Kayla was weeding close to here one day and had to be pulled out because she was so far stuck in the mucky soil.

Above are rows of head lettuce. Some are beginning to bolt - but we haven't been able to work in here.

I thought you might find this compost tea brewer interesting. This is on the farm in Canard. Josh uses a lot of compost teas to help build the soil and produce healthy plants.

Here is Josh, yesterday watering the last planting of zucchini.

I couldn't resist adding this one. This is Frank. He is playing hide and seek with me at the table.

And of course - one evening meal of Taproot goodies.
Enjoy the week. The crew is here this morning and the harvest for Tuesday has started. Everyone is wearing rain gear :)
Although I am concerned about the wet unworkable fields, I also feel very strongly that we bought into the CSA knowing that a big part of it is the shared risk of failed crops. We get our share of the bounty, but if the bounty is smaller, our share is smaller, and that's OK.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Anne regarding being concerned that you can't get into the fields and that we knew when we signed up that this was a risk we were willing to take. It must be so frustrating for you to watch crops spoil and you are helpless to do anything about it.
ReplyDeleteI asked Leo today how he felt about out whole CSA experience thus far. He agreed that this was a great thing for us and our family. Being involved with you has changed the way we shop, the way we eat but most of all how we LIVE!
Leo has gotten to the point where he is the one peeking into the basket on our way home to see what is in there. It has broadened his food horizons as well as the children's.
My family knows what fresh food tastes like now. My husband knows the difference between a fresh egg and one that's sat too long. YEAH!!
Thank you for what you do.
Corn last night was FANTASTIC! You can fill my box with corn and nothing else from now on, if you want!