Here are some snippets I picked out - I do not agree or feel comfortable with everything but here is what I wrote jotted:
- We need to reinvent our family farms
- need people on our businesses who love looking at the next opportunities
- How do we skill ourselves to handle unpredictability
- that agriculture and the environment are linked
- that agriculture and health are linked
- we are losing opportunities in not recognizing the value of our land and we need to learn how to maximize rewards from land business (I have some conflicting thoughts on this one)
- that we need to have a multifunctional farm approach
- people are looking for trust
- we need to change how we talk to ourselves - we are families with a farm business not family farms
- written goals and business plans should drive everything we do
- farmers are weak in generic business skills we need a massive effort to scale up skills
- wants to take the word farmer and farm family out of the equation. Redefine farmer and farm business inject the word entrepreneur
- travel is mandatory
We are off to dinner now - we had a great lunch - lots of cabbage!!! I was so excited to see cabbage as a main part of the meal.
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