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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Marketing Caravan

Today I am attending a seminar that has been put on by the Canadian Farm Business Management Council , the NS Department of Agriculture and a bunch of others called Hop on Board the Marketing Caravan: Success. I am up at the Old Orchard, it has a great view of Greenwich and the Cornwallis River.

Jolene Brown was the main presenter this morning. She spent to morning teaching us that the pace, people, process and products have all changed. And that we need to be able to get on board with the changes if we want to be "in the game". One thing that she mentioned is Google. She asked us what our top three words would be to find ourselves on google. I don't know really. What words would you type into Google to find us?

Then we talked about customers and that basically people are looking for time, youth, health, safety and an experience. If we are able to provide these 5 things then we have more chances of gaining and retaining happy customers.

This afternoon we are hearing about how to connect with the media and get them talking about our agribusinesses.

Just a noontime update. Hey - do any of you use Twitter? Do you like it?


  1. google: I use "Taproot" and it comes right up!
    twitter: I have no use for it.

  2. i still have yet to jump on the twitter bandwagon...


  3. I type "tap roots farm" but only because I now remember the name (with the "s" always in the wrong spot, too), but not the .xyz part. [Originally I kept getting onto the website for a farm in Tennessee (taprootfarm.com)or an addictions centre/farm in Hawaii (taprootfarm.org)or a horse farm in North Carolina (taprootsfarm.com).... Oops.]

    So now I usually Google the farm to find the website. Today "tap roots farm" showed your website at the top of the list - way to go!

    If I didn't know the name but had heard of you, I would probably search "organic farm nova scotia bishop" (I know, more than 3 words), which also puts you at the top of the Google search results today. :) And "CSA valley farm nova scotia" brings you up at #6.

    Just thought I would add another perspective - I am totally a Google addict.

    Not a Twitter fan at all. I just barely signed up for, and hardly use, Facebook.


  4. Hey,
    I always type taproot farms and it comes right up. So, on the google front, I think you're covered.

  5. On google I put in Taproot farms Nova Scotia and I think you come up first.
    On twitter, I use it and I like it, a convenient way to get my information.
    If you do sign up you should take a look at Bay Hammocks, a local company who has had great success on twitter and facebook http://bayhammocks.com/
