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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What I Did When I Got Home

Considered the mountain of green stuff freshly deposited on the kitchen counter.
Poured a glass of red wine.
Chopped a handful of scapes and a couple of scallions, tossed them in a hot pot with olive oil and some hot pepper flakes.
Added a can of chopped tomatoes and half a can of water.
Added a swift pour of orzo (though any pasta would have done).
Added a heap of chopped kale when the pasta was nearly done.
Added a few chopped black olives.
Turned off the heat, added the whole bunch of parsley, chopped.
Sat down to soup in July, that seeming to suit these cool evening temperatures.
Field to table tastes so good.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm. Sounds delicious. I may have to try something similar!
