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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Over cast Thursday

Well this morning Lily headed off to her first morning at school. It was the orientation day for the primary kids. It is hard to believe that she is already old enough to adventure off to school.

Last evening we went for a drive around to see how things are coming along. The strawberries are starting to turn colour. In a week we will have berries.

Josh is very excited with the healthy condition of the berry plants. They are so lush and green and full of health!

The garlic looks wonderful, the potatoes are up about a foot, the carrots are up, parsnips too - altough I can imagine that some of you aren't too interested in hearing about parsnips:))

The artichokes are planted in the tunnels, we are going to try them this year. I can't wait to see how they work out.

The leeks are all planted out on the new side field and the onions are going out next to them.

Things are moving right along! I am just starting to get organized for some canning weekends. We can begin with a jam weekend with rhubarb I hope. I will keep you posted.

Enjoy the day!

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