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Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Celebration

Although it was cold and flurry like, we had a fun adventure on the farm today. We went for a walk around the farm and ponds, checked out the chickens, visited the greenhouse and transplanted an amaranth. Nicole made delicious bread and humus and harvested three types of greens for us to try. It was fun. Thank you all for coming - it was great to meet and see you! ~ Take Care, Patricia

1 comment:

  1. We missed the Spring Celebration as we had our Easter dinner that day. Picked up our box today, which is always exciting for the children! When we get home from The Grainery, it's always "What did our farmer send us??". Tonight on the drive home, I read through the weekly update and decided the Barley Risotto couldn't wait until tomorrow--I haven't been feeling well and needed some comfort food. It was DIVINE! My husband isn't a huge fan of squash, but was milling around the kitchen while the squash and onions were roasting, telling me how yummy it smelled!
    My 13 year old son is trying out being a vegetarian for a week, and it was right up his alley-- nutritionally complete with another veg on the side(Taproot carrots) and a glass of milk.
    Thank you again Patricia, for a wonderful recipe!

    Kind Regards,
