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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Garlic update

Yesterday the final plantings of garlic took place. We have 15 rows of 700 ft of garlic planted 6 inches apart. If all goes well you will all get a good bunch of garlic next year. The other exciting event yesterday was planing the bulbils. We harvested quite a lot of mature scapes - they had formed bulbils (seeds). From our research, we think it will take 3 - 4 years until the bulbils will yield a mature and large garlic bulb - but we are willing to try. Kingsley and Boolow planted 10 rows about 25 ft long they are planted about 4 inches apart. They are planted at the end of the greenhouse so they can easily be watered on a regular basis. This will be a long term experiment and hopefully it will work - if it does - it will be a great increase in garlic volume with very little cash output. Yippy!!

Happy Trick or Treating everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Hallowe'en! Can you explain why garlic is so tricky to grow? I am enjoying your blog entries on the garlic...

