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Monday, September 28, 2009

Changes on the farm

Here it is September 28th and change is in the air.

Yesterday Josh and I and the kids along with Lydia moved her cow and 8 chickens to the farm. It was a rather exciting event. The cow spent the night reminding us that she was here. Each time I smiled. She is a Jersey cow named Isabelle.

Today Lydia is watching the children while I catch up on the office work that gets so quickly piled up. I had a meeting for a bit the morning. When I arrived home Lydia had her first batch of butter made. She milks the cow each day, separates the cream, makes butter, the whole thing.

So for lunch I had a piece of brown bread that my cousin Katharine and my Grandmother made with homemade fresh butter.

I've been living local - but not this degree of local - it has been a very cool day.


  1. Wow, what a day that would be. Takes you right back to Little House on the Prairie. That fresh butter sounds incredible. I'm jealous (:

  2. Nothing like your own butter! We had a Jersey cow in France, named Florette. It's a lot of work, but so satisfying, and the chickens love to have the leftovers from butter and cheese making in their diets. Steven made the best butter. Once you have a cow, you are RICH! The milk from hand milking is different, too. I think it's because there is always a residue of the product they use in the pipes when they are cleaned out after milking by machines. None of that with hand milking. Enjoy!
