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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Info for members in City -

This is a copy of the email I sent out on Friday.

Hello All New and Returning members of our Taproot Farms CSA:

We are so excited to begin this journey together with you. *Tuesday April 6th* marks the beginning of our 2nd year of CSA deliveries into the Halifax and Dartmouth region.

If you are picking up at the Grainery you can pickup between 4:30 and 6:30PM. Just so that you are not surprised, we do leave shortly after 6:30PM. With all of the city deliveries we do not have a way to store shares for you if you are running late. If you miss your box the value of the contexts is donated to the local food bank in Wolfville, NS.

Lorrie Rand is the volunteer at the Grainery. She will greet you and mark your name off a master list of members. Make sure you get your name check off so that we can keep track of the shares. Once Lorrie gets to know you she'll be able to mark you off when she see you walk in. For those picking up at the Grainery there are many other local and nutritious items that you can purchase during pickup time. The Grainery takes cash, there is no debt/credit machine.

For this week I will plan to be at the CFIA building at 3:40, Ascenta at 4:00 and PBI 4:15 and Peddars Way for 4:40.

At 30 Peddars Way I park on the street in front of 30 Peddars Way. People typically park behind me on the street, walk to the van, pickup and then head down the street to turn around. Please be careful as there is traffic on this street and sometimes they drive quite fast. I will check your names off a master list I will have and in a few weeks I will hopefully remember your names :)

For those at PBI, CFIA and Ascenta, I will contact you to sort of where I will make the delivery to make this work smoothly.

I will bring eggs along with me. They cost $4.00 (the price went up a few weeks ago). They are from Bosvelds Farm in Lakeville NS. They are free run which means they run in a building. The are grain fed. In July we will have our own Taproot Farms organic eggs for sale. I will bring a case with me and if you want eggs they will be in the van with me until they are all gone. For this week I will bring 15 dozen.

Also, for those of you who get your pickups in Dartmouth, I did not do a very good job of being clear on our registration form. I am sorry about this, but once the 26 week shares starts, we will have a second location in Dartmouth, Hawthorne Street Elementary School. All the pickups for Dartmouth for the 26 week time period will be on Mondays. This was an oversight in coordinating, documenting and printing. If this is a major problem for you please let me know. Also, if you wish to switch your pickup between the locations that is fine, just let me know via email.

I find email is the easiest way to keep track of things. My memory sometimes lets me down, so if I get an email I am sure to have a record and seem to keep on track.

Your produce will arrive in a waxed box. You can push the bottom up in them and flatten them for easy storage until next week. Next week, bring your empty flat box back and get a full one. If you forget it isn't a problem, we are just trying to reuse the boxes as much as possible to reduce the impact. We have found these work well and are not too expensive.

You may wish to learn more about our new Farmstay. All of the details can be found on the webpage and we are providing members with some time to reserve space before advertising more widely. www.taprootfarms.ca

I try to keep the blog updated. If you wish to become an author on the recipe sharing blog let me know and I will add you in.

Some people like to know what to expect for the week ahead. On the blog there is a link called - what to expect this week. If you check in there you will see what we plan to provide you the following week.

Anything else???

Thank you so much for your trust, support and personal commitment in working towards a better system for our health and community.

With great excitement and appreciation,


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to good food tonight!

    Thanks so much for your generosity with the Farmstay, Patricia.
